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About OilandGasCrossing

  • How do I contact OilandGasCrossing? How accessible are you?

    OilandGasCrossing is Committed to Helping You!

    The OilandGasCrossing customer service staff is available to assist you through your job search on all business days, during our scheduled business hours. Please do contact us if you have any comments or questions about your membership or any of the services OilandGasCrossing provides.

    Rather than emailing us, we prefer to always speak in person. Our customer service department is available to handle your calls during business hours (between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., PST, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays). If you find any expired jobs on our site, or know of any job sources we are missing please contact us immediately at (800) 680-7345. We appreciate hearing about new job sources as often as possible. Please feel free to contact us with any issues or concerns that you might have. We look forward to hearing from you.

  • What is OilandGasCrossing? What's in it for me, and can you guarantee it?

    OilandGasCrossing is a job-research service that aggregates every single job it can find in the United States and puts them all in one place. As a job-aggregation service, our primary objective is to find every single job out there.

    As a member of OilandGasCrossing, you have access to jobs that most people do not have access to when they are searching for similar sorts of jobs. While we are centralizing the databases of thousands of online sources, we are also visiting the corporate webpages of most corporations and organizations in the United States and then taking the job openings from there and putting them all in one place. The results are profound: you would never find most of the jobs on our site elsewhere, no matter how hard you looked. Our database took years to develop and is a multimillion-dollar effort that involves hundreds of people working to bring you jobs on a daily basis.

    At OilandGasCrossing, we offer free membership to our site as well as unlimited access to our job database. Simply sign up for OilandGasCrossing and see for yourself how we can help you. Our statistics show that virtually everyone who signs up for a free membership chooses to remain a member long after because he or she finds so much value in the research we do on a daily basis.

  • Is OilandGasCrossing only for people looking for jobs?

    Not at all! Most of our members are happily employed and use the site much like a stockbroker might use the Wall Street Journal each morning. The stockbroker reads the Journal because he or she wants to know what opportunities are out there.

    If you are smart about your career, you always want to know where the best opportunities are and where you stand in comparison to your peers. You need to think of your career as a business. You have skills to offer the market, and you need to put them where they are going to be valued the most.

    Your career is a product. If you begin to think of your career as a product, you will very quickly realize that you are making a huge mistake if you are not selling your product for as much as it is worth or leveraging it for the most money possible.

    You need to be aware of every opportunity out there at all times. Being aware of what's going on in the market will enable you to constantly be one step ahead of the competition, jump on the hottest opportunities the moment they become available, and be an educated professional.

  • Can I trust OilandGasCrossing? Do you really have my best interests in mind, or are you just trying to get me to sign up for your site?

    OilandGasCrossing is a division of Employment Research Institute, one of the largest employment companies in the United States. We have hundreds of employees and offices in more than 14 states in the US and around the world. We currently run more than 15 separate companies that serve the employment needs of hundreds of thousands of people annually. We are serious about the work we do at Employment Research Institute, and OilandGasCrossing is no exception. LawCrossing, another one of our websites, is the most highly trafficked and popular legal employment site in the world. As you can imagine, a site catering to attorneys experiences a considerable amount of scrutiny, and it's no different at OilandGasCrossing.

    OilandGasCrossing is a highly sophisticated research service whose objective is to provide you with access to every job in the United States. Because we are fundamentally a research service, we do not necessarily guarantee that our members will find employment through our site. Our objective is to simply ensure that they get access to every job out there matching their particular interests.

  • As a job seeker, why should I sign up for a job board where I have to register when there are so many sites out there that don't require registration?

    It may seem unnecessary to register for OilandGasCrossing considering you can see job postings all over the Internet without registration, but there are many reasons we require users to register as well as many reasons that it is beneficial for users to sign up for a service that requires free registration:

    • It's more exclusive. Joining a site such as,, or any of the other dozens of job websites means that you are competing with every person who needs a job and has access to a computer. It is very likely that you will get lost in the shuffle. By limiting the applicant pool to a smaller number of people - people who are serious enough about their job searches to take the time to register to become a member - OilandGasCrossing allows its members to have a better shot at the positions posted

    • We work harder than any other job board to ensure that we have every job in the industry. Other sites make employers contact them. In many cases, we contact employers so that we can be sure to have their jobs on our site. This extra effort we make on your behalf is something you can't get anywhere else.
  • What makes you different from sites like and CareerBuilder?

    1. We get jobs from every source possible.
    Job boards like and CareerBuilder run on a different business model — they completely depend on employers for adding jobs on their sites. Employers who do not wish to spend thousands to post their openings find no place on these job boards. Also, if you apply for jobs through these job boards, you are in competition with thousands of other applicants. This is because anyone with an Internet connection can access all the jobs on these boards. This means you have far fewer chances of landing the interview or getting the job.

    OilandGasCrossing's mission is to get you every job that's out there. Every day, hundreds of research analysts at OilandGasCrossing monitor over 250,000 employer websites, job boards, and newspaper classifieds to consolidate each and every job opening on the site. The employers whose jobs we are locating get fewer applications, which means you have much greater chances of getting hired.

Job search

  • How do I find jobs on the site?

    You can use any of the following search features to find jobs:

    • Perform a Quick Search: Start your quick search on the homepage or in the right-hand column on other pages; you can search for jobs by location and/or keyword(s).

    • Advanced Search: This feature allows you to narrow down your search results. You can search for jobs by location, keyword and source. You can also confine your search to a specific geographic radius. For more tips on how to use the Advanced Search functionality, please refer to the next question.

    • Search by Job Titles: We have enlisted the most sought-after job titles at the end of the homepage. Clicking on the job title directs you to a page that lists all the related job openings from the site. Additionally, the page also gives complete information on that particular position, including a brief description of the typical job responsibilities and required qualifications, a job description video created by our in-house broadcasters, and active forums for any questions that you may have about that particular job title.

    • Map Search: Search for jobs by state with the help of our "Map Search" feature. Click on the state in which you'd like to search for jobs, and you'll see a list of all the job opportunities available in that state.

    • Job in Your City: A scroll bar lists the numbers of jobs available in specific cities. Find your preferred city, and see how many jobs are available there.

    • Job Alerts: You can create alerts that deliver the latest job listings to your inbox every day. You can also tailor your job alerts to your job-search criteria. For example, you can sign up to receive daily updates listing jobs in Boston.

  • How do I use search criteria to look for jobs on OilandGasCrossing?
    • Click here to go to the advanced search page.
    • Enter the required keywords in the keywords field.
    • Select either the "Match Any" or the "Match All" button to search the database using any or all of your keywords.
    • From the geographic locations scroll box, select the country, state, and city to display jobs matching your geographic selection. You can also select multiple states and cities at once.
    • From the "Date Posted" drop-down menu, select the appropriate option to display jobs posted within the chosen time frame.
    • The "Job Source" option allows you to display jobs from recruiters, employers, or both.
    • Enter the appropriate zip code in the "Zip Code" field and/or select a "Radius in Miles" using the appropriate drop-down menu to review jobs within a specified radius of your location.
    • Select the number of results your browser will display from the "Display Results" drop-down menu.
  • I'm new to OilandGasCrossing. How is the advanced search option beneficial to me?

    The advanced search option on OilandGasCrossing tailors your search results to predefined search criteria. You can use a combination of search parameters to list jobs that match your preferences. The advanced search option gives you more specific and realistic results.

  • What do I do if I have problems with the advanced search function?

    A. If you're experiencing technical problems, it's likely because your browser settings aren't compatible. In order to use the advanced search function on OilandGasCrossing, you need to make sure your PC's Java script is enabled. To do so, follow the steps below:

    1. Go to the "Tools" menu.
    2. Click "Internet Options."
    3. Select the "Security" tab.
    4. Click the "Custom Level" button.
    5. Scroll down to the "Scripting" option.
    6. Ensure that the check box labeled "Active Scripting" is set to "Enable."
    7. Click "OK" to return to the "Security" tab.
    8. Click "OK" again to close the window.

    You may need to restart your browser for these settings to take effect.

    B. In order to do a simple search, select your criteria and click the button that says "Search Now."

    C. If you wish to save your search, go to the option "Save this search as," name your search, and click the "Search Now and Save Search" button.

  • Are all of these jobs current?

    The advanced search option on OilandGasCrossing tailors your search results to predefined search criteria. You can use a combination of search parameters to list jobs that match your preferences. The advanced search option gives you more specific and realistic results.

  • How many times per day are your job listings updated?

    What OilandGasCrossing does is very different from what other job boards do. The moment a job becomes available, it is added to our site. Our researchers work 24/7 to keep track of developments in the job market and ensure that new positions are immediately included in our database. We monitor the hiring needs of 250,000 employers, scour more than 10,000 employer websites, and pore over numerous publications to find every current job opening. In short, we hunt them down.

  • Why don't all of the job listings contain salary information?

    Many employers prefer to wait until they have met you to discuss salary information. If a company lists a salary, we include it in the job description.

  • How can I differentiate between jobs posted by recruiters and jobs posted by companies?

    Jobs that recruiters post are clearly marked as "recruiter jobs" by a special icon (a small red "R") on the search-results pages and a special box on the job's details page. While searching, you can choose not to include jobs posted by recruiters if you want to go through employers only. We are very strict about preventing recruiters from posting jobs under the guise of being employers. If you apply for a position that says a particular corporation is hiring, your information will be sent directly to the hiring contact at that organization.

  • How do I access other Crossings?

    Click here for the entire list of Crossings that cover every possible industry. If you are a member of any Crossing, you can access the other 90-plus niche job boards without registering again.
  • How can I get more updates on jobs and job search-related areas?

    Subscribe to The Job Researcher, OilandGasCrossing's free weekly newsletter to get a ringside view of all the latest trends, happenings and insights on the job search industry. Tune into a forum that is packed with resources to help you plan your career.
    Anytime you want to stop receiving it, simply unsubscribe from the newsletter. All unsubscribe details will be sent to you in your confirmation message.
    Subscribe to The Job Researcher today.

Members Section

  • How do I apply for jobs?

    You have two options:

    You decide which of the two application methods is best for you. Be sure to check the "Additional Information" for specific requests from the employer. Someone who specifically says "mail only" will not appreciate a fax or an email.

  • Should I copy and paste my resume, or should I upload it?

    We strongly recommend uploading your resume. This is the only way to guarantee that it will look exactly as you intend it to. Additionally, once you have copied and pasted your resume, there will be no way to edit it on the site.

  • How do I edit my resumes/cover letters?

    There is no way to edit a resume that you have uploaded to the site. The easiest way to make changes is to keep a copy of your resume on your computer, make changes to it as needed, and upload it again. You can have as many resumes and cover letters on the site as you want, and you can delete old copies that you are not likely to use again.

    Once you choose to apply for a certain position online, you will have a chance to edit your cover letter. The cover letter you have uploaded or typed onto our site will appear in the body of the email that the employer receives. You can change this to suit the job that you are applying for before the email goes out. Also, when you are applying online, be sure to create a subject line that will draw attention to your resume submission.

  • If I enter more than one resume, which one will I be able to use to apply for jobs?

    You will be able to use all of your resumes to apply for jobs. Keeping separate resumes for applying to different types of jobs (e.g., Manufacturing Manager, Senior Engineer, etc.) is a good idea because you can tailor different resumes to different job searches and choose which one best fits the job in question when you apply.

  • Can recruiters and employers search for my resume?

    Yes, but they have to pay a subscription fee to do so. Also, very few employers would take the time to go through a database and search for candidates, and those who choose to do so often do not offer the types of jobs we do. Large corporations and organizations would prefer that quality candidates come to them.

  • What is a job alert, and how do I create one?

    If you would like to be emailed about jobs that might be relevant to your search, then you can click on "job alert." Every time we post a new job, you will be notified and sent a description of the job to view. You can make the alert function send you jobs in a category that is very narrow or very broad. The positions will be sent to you in real time as we update the board all day long. If a position becomes available on Saturday at midnight, you can expect an email a few seconds later.

  • How do I edit or delete my job alert?

    If you would not like to receive emails about jobs anymore, simply go to your homepage. All job alerts will be displayed on this page. If you want to delete a job alert, check the one you wish to delete and press the "delete" link. If you would like to change the types of positions being sent to you, click "edit." You will immediately start receiving jobs from the new search you requested.

  • What if I forgot my username/password?

    Just click here and fill in your email address. We will send you an email with the username and password assigned to that address.

  • How can I see what jobs I have applied for already?

    In the "My Outbox" section, there are two different areas where the jobs you have applied for will appear. If you click on the "Online Job Applications" link, you will see all of the jobs that you have applied for through the site's "Apply Online" feature. If you click on the "My Mail Merge" link, you can see all of the jobs you have applied for by mail. It might be a good idea to look over these lists before you start applying for jobs. Although we have made it impossible to apply for the same position more than once, you will want to make sure you are not applying to the same branch office of a company more than once. In general, your resume will come across the desks of the same people, and the more they see of the same applicant, the less likely they are to consider that person.

  • What do I do with my mail merge file?

    We provide you with a mail merge file that comes as a text file. In order for the mail merge to be useful, there are several steps you will have to follow:

    First, download the mail merge file and save it in a place where you can easily find it later. All of the lines in the first row should match the corresponding contact information in the rows beneath them. For instance, "fname" is the field with the contact person's first name, if available. Everywhere on your cover letter where you want the first name of the contact person to appear, go (in Microsoft Word) to "Insert Field." Under "Categories," select "Mail Merge," and under "Field Names," select "MergeField." A text box marked "Field Name" will appear after you have made these selections. Type in the name of the field in the mail merge file. A box will appear at this point in your document (in this case, "fname"). Keep doing this for all fields you would like to show in your cover letter or on your envelopes.

    When you have added all the fields you would like to add, click on the "Open Data Source" icon and find the mail merge file (from wherever you have saved it). Once you have opened it, go to the "Merge to New Document" icon. This will provide you with a mail merge document with all of the contact information for all of the jobs you chose to apply for.

  • How can I bookmark a job so I can apply for it later, and what is "My Hotlist"?

    If you are considering applying for a job you have seen but do not want to do so immediately, click "Add this job to my hotlist." This will save the job so that you can apply for it later in a bulk application, if you wish. The hotlist is easily accessible from any page once you are signed in.

  • If a job has been on your site for 90 days and you have verified that it still needs to be filled, is there a reason for this?

    Occasionally, employers will have job openings that remain vacant for more than 90 days. We are constantly communicating with these organizations to ensure that the positions listed are, in fact, still available and that the organizations are still hiring for them. While it is impossible to generalize about these situations, in some cases, the hiring organization has ongoing hiring for a particular position or it simply hasn't found the right candidate yet.

  • I saw a job that I was interested in a couple of weeks ago, and it has an "X" in the box, which means you can't apply there. If you still have it listed, is it available? Where do I apply for it?

    The black "X" symbol indicates that you cannot apply online for the job of your choice because the employer does not wish to receive online applications for the job opening. Please see "Employer's Contact Details" to submit your resume.

Testimonial of the Week

I like the volume of jobs on EmploymentCrossing. The quality of jobs is also good. Plus, they get refreshed very often. Great work!
  • Roberto D Seattle, WA
Sign Up now

Only OilandGasCrossing consolidates every job it can find in the domain and puts all of the job listings it locates in one place.

  • We have more jobs than any other job board.
  • We list jobs you will not find elsewhere that are hidden in small regional publications and employer websites
  • We collect jobs from more than 4,429,376 websites and post them on our site.
  • We are private, and therefore far fewer people are applying for the jobs on our site than are applying for those on public job boards.
EmploymentCrossing is great because it brings all of the jobs to one site. You don't have to go all over the place to find jobs.
Kim Bennett - Iowa,
  • All we do is research jobs.
  • Our team of researchers, programmers, and analysts find you jobs from over 1,000 career pages and other sources
  • Our members get more interviews and jobs than people who use "public job boards"
Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss it, you will land among the stars.
OilandGasCrossing - #1 Job Aggregation and Private Job-Opening Research Service — The Most Quality Jobs Anywhere
OilandGasCrossing is the first job consolidation service in the employment industry to seek to include every job that exists in the world.
Copyright © 2025 OilandGasCrossing - All rights reserved. 169